Housing Resources
Resources for Individuals Experiencing a Housing Crisis
Do you need help with Housing Assistance?
If you are experiencing a housing crisis or you are homeless and need assistance please, visit the Housing Resources below or request help now.
Legal Aid Society
Are you At-Rick of Eviction?
If you feel you may be at-risk of eviction due to missed rental payments or other financial issues, use these Tools to quickly connect with providers who can help:
If there is more than one individual in your household, use this Family Flow Chart.
If you are the only one in your household, use this Individual Flow Chart.
To help you access these prevention resources as efficiently as possible, if your application is denied at one place, make sure you have documentation of the denial. To be eligible for some resources, you will need to show that you tried all other options and were denied.
For questions about legal issues related to housing or eviction, please contact Legal Aid Society at 518-587-5188
Saratoga Springs Housing Authority
The Saratoga Springs Housing Authority (SSHA) provides safe, decent housing in Saratoga Springs for elderly families, persons with disabilities on fixed incomes as well as working families who are moving towards self-sufficiency. The SSHA also administers the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Program and Veteran’s Affairs Supported Housing (VASH) Programs.
The Coordinated Entry System
The Coordinated Entry System is an approach to coordination and management of housing that allows homeless service agencies to directly connect people to interventions that will rapidly end their homelessness.
Coordinated Entry:
1) Prioritizes persons who are homeless based on vulnerability, to get access to available housing opportunities
2) Makes it less cumbersome on persons who are homeless to apply for available supportive housing programs.
If you are experiencing homelessness and would like to access housing opportunities, please visit our Request Housing Assistance Page.
Solutions to End Homelessness Program (STEHP)
Solutions to End Homelessness Program (STEHP) is a NYS-funded program to help individuals and families facing a housing crisis. The goal of STEHP is to keep people in our community stably housed. The funding provides financial assistance for those who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness in Saratoga, Fulton, and Montgomery Counties.
For more information or to find out if you qualify, please contact the CAPTAIN STEHP Program Manager at 518-371-1185 for Saratoga County, or 518-729-8249 if in Fulton or Montgomery Counties.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
ERAP provides significant economic relief to help low and moderate-income households at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability by providing rental arrears, temporary rental assistance, and utility arrears’ assistance.
Households eligible for rental arrears may also be eligible for help paying utility arrears at the same rental unit.
Applications for all eligible households will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, as long as funds remain available.
Shelters of Saratoga is providing application assistance to residents of Saratoga County for The New York State Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).
Family Emergency Assistance of Southern Saratoga (FEASST).
FEASST is a partnership between community organizations and faith based organizations (FOB). The partnership was founded by CAPTAIN Community Human Services and several Clifton Park area faith based organizations.
With the help of seed funding from Habitat for Humanity, the FEASST program now encompasses the northern area of Saratoga County, including the City of Saratoga Springs.
FEASST Assistance includes: Housing/rent, advocacy with landlord, power bills, heating with wood, food
Individuals and families in need of FEASST Services are referred to the CAPTAIN Family Assistance Program. The applicants are screened and referred to other services such as HEAP and the STEHP Grant. Once all these services have been exhausted, the applicant’s needs are sent to the FEASST partners. The FEASST Partners each contribute available funds by sending checks directly to the applicant’s landlord, or utility company.
FEASST – serves all of Southern Saratoga County.
FEASST North- serves all of Northern Saratoga County, except for the Ballston Spa Area, which is served by the Ballston Area Clergy Association.
Ballston Area Clergy Association
The Ballston Area Clergy Association is a ministry of six churches in the village of Ballston Spa. The Community Assistance Fund was created to pool resources to better serve families in times of financial crisis.
The fund serves families living within the Ballston Spa School District by helping pay for rent, utilities, car repair, and more.